The Edward Taylor Coombs Foundation is 501 (c) 3 Minority Non Profit Organization For Youth

How to Deal with Homesickness: A Guide for Teenagers  

Homesickness is a universal feeling that most of us experience at some point in our lives. The question is, how to deal with homesickness? Whether you’re starting college, attending summer camp, or embarking on an exchange program, it’s perfectly normal to miss the comfort of home. Teenagers, in particular, often grapple with homesickness as they navigate through a phase of newfound independence and change. In this extended blog, we’ll explore how to deal with homesickness and provide you with practical strategies to ease the transition. So, let’s dive in!

Understanding Homesickness  

Why Do Teenagers Experience Homesickness?  

Before we delve into coping strategies, it’s important to understand why homesickness affects teenagers. Several factors contribute to this overwhelming sense of longing:

1. Transitioning to a New Environment: Teenagers often find themselves in unfamiliar surroundings, such as college campuses, summer camps, or even new neighborhoods. The newness of the environment can be daunting and trigger homesickness.  

2. Separation from Family and Friends: Leaving behind the familiarity of your family and close friends can lead to profound feelings of loneliness and nostalgia. Your support network suddenly feels miles away, and it’s natural to yearn for their presence.  

3. Cultural Differences and Adjustment Challenges: Sometimes, homesickness can be amplified by cultural differences and adjustment challenges. If you’ve moved to a place with different customs, languages, and traditions, it can intensify feelings of isolation and homesickness.  

Common Symptoms of Homesickness  

Homesickness manifests in various ways, both emotionally and physically. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step in dealing with them effectively:

  • Emotional Signs: Overwhelming loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and a sense of detachment from your current surroundings. It’s important to acknowledge these emotions as normal reactions to change.
  • Physical Signs: Homesickness can manifest physically with frequent headaches, stomachaches, fatigue, and changes in appetite. These physical symptoms are often a result of the emotional distress you’re experiencing.
  • Behavioral Signs: It’s not uncommon to withdraw from social activities and have difficulty concentrating when you’re feeling homesick. You might find it challenging to engage with your new environment, making it harder to adjust.

Coping Strategies for Teen Homesickness  

Now that we understand why homesickness happens and how it feels, let’s explore some strategies to manage it effectively or in short how to deal with homesickness.

1. Stay Connected  

Maintaining a connection with your loved ones is essential when dealing with homesickness. Technology can be a lifeline in this regard, as you can:

  • Schedule Regular Communication: Plan regular video calls with family and friends. Seeing their faces and hearing their voices can provide a sense of closeness even when you’re far away.
  • Text and Email: Send text messages and emails to keep in touch. Quick messages throughout the day can make you feel connected.
  • Share Your Experiences: One way to bridge the gap is by sharing your experiences and stories with those back home. This creates a sense of inclusion and allows your loved ones to be a part of your journey.

2. Create a Support System  

Building a new support system in your current environment is crucial. Consider these steps:

  • Make an Effort to Meet New People: It’s easier said than done, but stepping out of your comfort zone to meet new people can be incredibly rewarding. Attend social events, join clubs, or participate in group activities to meet like-minded individuals.
  • Join Clubs, Sports Teams, or Interest Groups: Finding people who share your interests can make it easier to connect. Whether it’s a sports team, a book club, or a debate society, these groups provide a sense of belonging.

3. Stay Busy  

Stay busy if you are thinking about how to deal with homesickness. Idle time often exacerbates homesickness. Keep yourself engaged by:

  • Explore New Activities and Hobbies: Finding new interests and passions can keep your mind occupied and your focus on something other than what you’re missing.
  • Develop a Daily Schedule: Creating structure in your day can help minimize downtime and prevent excessive rumination. Knowing what to expect from your day can provide a sense of comfort and control.

4. Keep a Connection with Home  

Bringing a piece of home with you can be incredibly comforting:

  • Familiar Items: Consider bringing familiar items from home, such as a cherished blanket, a family photograph, or a favorite book. Surrounding yourself with these items can provide a sense of familiarity in your new space.
  • Create a Scrapbook: Whether it’s physical or digital, creating a scrapbook of memories from home can be a comforting reminder of where you come from.

5. Manage Stress and Emotions  

Learning how to manage stress and emotions is vital in your journey to deal with homesickness. Here are some techniques to consider:

  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or meditation can help you stay centered and calm when you’re feeling overwhelmed. These practices can be particularly useful when homesickness triggers anxiety.
  • Seek Professional Help: There’s no shame in seeking professional help if your homesickness becomes overwhelming and unmanageable. Counselors and therapists can provide you with strategies and coping mechanisms to navigate these challenging emotions.

Building Resilience – Best way on how to deal with homesickness

In addition to coping strategies, building resilience is crucial for teenagers dealing with homesickness. Here are some tips to help you develop this resilience:

1. Encourage a Positive Mindset  

Shifting your perspective and focusing on the opportunities that the new environment offers can make a significant difference:

  • Embrace Change: Understand that homesickness is a normal part of adjusting to new surroundings. Instead of viewing it as a problem, consider it an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Recognize That It’s Temporary: Homesickness is a temporary challenge. With time, you’ll adapt, and these feelings will diminish.

2. Set Goals and Aspirations  

Setting and working towards goals can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment:

  • Define Your Goals: What do you hope to achieve in your new environment? Whether it’s excelling in academics, making new friends, or mastering a new skill, setting clear goals can give your journey direction.
  • Break Down Your Goals: Breaking down your goals into manageable steps and tracking your progress can provide a sense of achievement along the way. It also keeps you focused on the present rather than dwelling on the past.

Homesickness: Signs, Effects & 7 Ways to Cope – Choosing Therapy

3. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle  

Physical well-being directly affects your emotional state. Prioritize your health by:

  • Eat a Balanced Diet: Proper nutrition is essential for overall well-being. A well-balanced diet can provide you with the energy and resilience you need to cope with homesickness.
  • Regular Exercise: Exercise is a proven stress reliever. Even a short daily walk or some light stretching can make a significant difference in how you feel.
  • Get Enough Sleep: Sleep is vital for emotional regulation. Aim for a consistent sleep schedule to ensure you’re well-rested and better equipped to manage homesickness.

4. Seek Guidance from Mentors or Counselors  

Don’t hesitate to reach out to trusted individuals for advice and support:

  • School Counselors: Many schools have dedicated counselors who are trained to help students deal with various challenges, including homesickness. They can provide valuable insights and guidance.
  • Teachers: Teachers can be great mentors and sources of support. They may have witnessed other students go through homesickness and can provide you with advice and comfort.
  • Older Students: If you’re in a school or college setting, older students who have been through similar experiences can be a valuable resource. They understand what you’re going through and can offer practical tips for dealing with homesickness.

How to Handle Homesickness in a New Place (

Dealing with Relapses  

It’s important to remember that homesickness may ebb and flow. Setbacks are normal and can be valuable learning experiences. When you are pondering over how to deal with homesickness, be strategic. If you find yourself struggling again, revisit your coping strategies and adapt them as needed.

Homesickness is a complex emotion, and it can take time to overcome fully. Be patient with yourself and recognize that it’s okay to experience homesickness periodically.


In conclusion, homesickness is a common and understandable feeling, especially for teenagers facing new and unfamiliar environments. However, with the right strategies and support systems in place, it is entirely manageable. Remember that homesickness is a temporary challenge, and it can be a stepping stone to personal growth and development. So, embrace the change, stay connected, and focus on building resilience, and you’ll find that dealing with homesickness becomes a manageable part of your journey.

Additional Resources  

For further information and support, consider exploring these resources:

When teenagers think about how to deal with homesickness, it may be a challenge. Remember, you’re not alone in dealing with homesickness, and seeking help and guidance is a sign of strength. The more you learn to cope with homesickness, the better prepared you’ll be to face the challenges and changes that life brings.

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How to Deal with Homesickness: A Guide for Teenagers