The Edward Taylor Coombs Foundation is 501 (c) 3 Minority Non Profit Organization For Youth

3 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Summer Vacation

Young Grocery worker - Make the Most of Summer Vacation

With the warm weather in full swing, it\’s a great time to socialize with friends and family. But there are also plenty of other things you can do this summer that will help guide your future self into an even better path! Not sure how to spend all the free time you have this summer? The Edward Taylor Coombs Foundation has three ways to make the most out of your summer vacation. Spend your summer wisely and you will be on the right track for college success. There are hundreds of activities that can help a teenager achieve their goals; the following list includes some suggestions about how best spend high school summers:

Get a Summer Job or Internship

The best way to start building your future is by taking that first step and starting on the road to independent adulthood. Stepping away from home means you have more control over what happens in both work AND life, which will only set you up for more success later down the line! You can’t grow as an individual if there isn\’t any independence happening now – so do whatever it takes (and ask your parents/guardians for ideas) to start demonstrating independence and responsibility before moving onto bigger responsibilities like school or college applications. Working at a coffee shop or clothing store all summer may not seem like the most ideal thing to do while your friends are out having fun, but you will be saving up money for college and getting work experience that can lead into successful careers. You can also pursue securing a summer internship for your first hands-on experience in the real world. Networking is an important part of finding work, so you\’ll learn how to do it well. You can also get valuable experience in your chosen field with networking events and professional contacts that can lead anywhere! High school students are often not considered for internships because companies worry that they won\’t be able to handle the work. If this is something you\’re interested in, don’t let it discourage you! Search for an appropriate internship where determination will matter more than anything else. Whether you\’re looking for an internship or a summer job, know that each experience comes with lessons learned and connections made.

Take Pre-College Courses

If you\’re interested in trying out college life for the summer, many high schools offer programs where they send their students to college campuses to take a class. Taking a pre-college class can give you a lot of valuable insight into what it would be like to actually attend a university or community college! The best part is that you can get your feet wet with the college experience without having to commit to enroll there, and by taking a course in a topic you find interesting now, you can see whether or not you really would want to major in it as a student. There are a lot of different programs out there that you can sign up for, and some may be more appropriate than others. Do your research to see what sort of program would work best for YOU! The more time you spend now taking pre-college courses, the less stressful it will be when college comes around.


Volunteering is a great way to build your resume and show off what you\’re capable of. Whether it\’s walking dogs at an animal shelter or working with children, there are several ways you can volunteer that will both help others and build your confidence as a valuable member of your community! Volunteer experience can be one the best things you could add to your college application. Not only do these experiences make you more interesting to admissions officers, but they also demonstrate your dedication to the community and your own personal success. Volunteering shows goodwill and can help you build connections to people and mentors that may help you land other opportunities down the road. You will improve your sense of belonging by helping others who may need it most, and there\’s also research demonstrating how volunteering impacts mental health—giving people something productive do during down moments makes them feel better faster than sitting around worrying about everything else going wrong. There’s really no downsides to getting out there and volunteering your time!

Spend your summer wisely by choosing something interesting and challenging to do, but don’t forget: the most important thing to take with you on vacation is your attitude. A good, happy one can make all the difference in how much fun and adventure an experience has for you! Have a great summer!

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Make the Most of Summer Vacation